Construction ongoing at the Olivine Estate, Donnybrook

Echelon has provided strategic and statutory planning services to Mirvac since 2012 on a 460 hectare site located within the Donnybrook/Woodstock PSP, known as the Olivine estate.
Echelon has assisted Mirvac to resolve issues through the PSP and Panel processes and has worked closely with Mirvac and Whittlesea Council to obtain permits for the first two residential precincts of the project, with a planning permit currently being considered for the third precinct. Echelon has also supported Mirvac in forming a partnership with Council to jointly facilitate a mixed use community facility, active open space and a non-government school early in the project.
The Olivine estate is now coming to life, with dwellings delivered for the first stages of Precinct 1 and the 3 hectare local park completed. The Olivine Masterplan built on the foundations of the PSP with a strong desire to retain natural attributes of the site such as conservation areas, stony knolls and River Red Gums. Once completed, the project will provide for approximately 4500 dwellings, two local town centres, two schools, local parks, active open space and community facilities.
The collaborative efforts of the project team and a clear vision set by Mirvac has meant this has been a really great project to be involved in.