The infrastructure contributions journey continues…

Infrastructure Contributions for greenfield areas is about to change again. The Public Land Act, intended to come into effect on 2 July, will impact the preparation of new infrastructure contributions plans as well as a few already approved Infrastructure Contributions Plans.
The purpose of the Public Land Act is to improve the method for securing public purpose land (including land for roads, community facilities and open space) by allowing a direct transfer to Council rather than a monetary contribution. The method is similar to how passive open space is treated under clause 52.01 of the Victorian Planning Scheme.
It means that the overall monetary rate for infrastructure construction items will be reduced as land is removed from the per hectare levy and land is transferred direct to council. The figure below identifies the new rates for residential development which will apply across the growth areas.

The key aspects of the existing ICP system are being retained with the Ministerial Directions relating to the preparation and content of the ICPs still relevant.
The VPA have prepared a set of fact sheets and presentations which provide more information on how the new system will be rolled out and which Precincts will be affected. Fact sheets and presentations can be found here.
The process for the introduction of the new infrastructure contributions differs for different Precincts and is perhaps a topic for a further post...